This Spring, a few magazines are publishing my work, so here's a roundup of recent and forthcoming publications:
Powder Keg Magazine's final issue features a few of my favorite poems - 'Washington Sq Park', 'Infidels' Sestina', and 'Telegram to Suicidal Friend', including the audio version of one of them. Bianca Stone, who I recently met at her stellar reading during the New Orleans Poetry Festival, is also included, which is a real honor, and I'm looking forward to checking out the other contributors as well. (The festival, by the way, was super rad. This year I was on a panel called 'Apocalypse Lovers: Co-Conceiving Our Own Demise' about reckoning with our reckoning through poetry, along with Dylan Krieger, of heady NYT fame, Clare Welsh, a good friend and fantastic photographer, and Daiquiri Rene Jones, the Orpheus of New Orleans, who bikes around town with an angel's harp over his shoulder, which he uses to improvise dreamy story-poems).
Entropy published 3 of my typewriter visual-poems in their Zodiac Poetics series, so if you're into astrology, you might dig these ones, for Aries, Aquarius, and Leo.

Unlikely Stories, run by Jonathan Penton here in New Orleans, put up one of the audio-poems I recorded with Kamikaze Funtime, from the audio-chapbook version of 'Currency', which you can find here at my Bandcamp, and listen for free or download by donation.
Rattle Magazine will feature one of my typewriter poems in their upcoming 'Instagram Poets' special issue - and while I don't consider myself an 'Instapoet', I have thrown in my Luddite towel 3 years ago and joined the platform, so, why not. Rattle is one of the more popular literary magazines, which I've been submitting to for years, so it feels nice to be included, especially since apparently my poem, 'Good Manners' is one of only 18 poems chosen from several thousands. I'm very curious to see how the special issue will turn out. Then, I'll be reading for the Rattle Reading Series in Los Angeles, on June 9th, in case you're in the area.
Let's see - New Orlean's own Xavier Review will publish another of my 'Sestinettas' (an elaboration of a form which I believe Anne Marie Rooney created, in her genius book, Spitshine, where the complex sestina form (invented by the rakish dice-throwing troubadour of Divine Comedy fame, Arnaut Daniel, by the way) is distilled down to one highly compressed stanza of only 6 lines, where each uses all six words of the final, 1-line envoi). Xavier Review is run by Ralph Adamo, who also asked me to contribute a review of Brad Richard's latest book, Parasite Kingdom, which I highly recommend.
And most exciting of all, none other than literati tastemakers Literary Hub will be publishing a personal essay version of one of the chapters of my novel-in-progress, 'Poet for Hire: Kismet of a 21st Century Troubadour'. This will be my first real prose publication (other than some journalism and criticism that I've done here and there over the years) so I'm very excited, and hopeful that it might help to find an agent to represent the novel.