Extremely grateful to have been awarded a James Merrill Fellowship to attend the Vermont Studio Center in 2020. I've been applying for over a decade, so this is a dream come true for me - also, it'll be something of a homecoming to VT, where I grew up.

While on tour this summer, Rodrigo Toscano interviewed me via email for Big Other Magazine - check it out here. Rodrigo is one of the most electrifying performers I've ever seen, so it was a real pleasure - check out his work as well, he just released In Range (Counterpoint, 2019) and his Collapsible Poetics Theatre won the 2008 National Poetry Series; he's been included in Best American Poetry as well.
The Words & Music Festival and Peauxdunque Review recently announced the winners of their annual writing competition, and Nathaniel Rich selected the first chapter of my novel manuscript POET FOR HIRE as the winner of the nonfiction prize - it's $1000, a feature reading at the Ace Hotel during the festival, and publication in Peauxdunque Review, a fab new (hardcover!) literary magazine based in New Orleans. Nathaniel Rich is the author of Losing Earth (FSG, 2019) several novels, and is a former fiction editor at Paris Review.
Upcoming readings: Nov. 22nd, 3pm at Ace Hotel New Orleans for the Words & Music Festival.
Also, I'll be a featured reader at Octavia Books for the Why Are There Words series, on Dec. 11th.